
1987 At the end of the contract, at the request of the President of the Municipality of Souroti, and with the activity of all the inhabitants of Souroti, the right to exploit the spring was granted to the Municipality of Souroti, which set up the ‘Souroti’...

1935 The spring of Souroti is officially recognized as a thermal spring* and the first contract was drawn up between the Greek State and G. Honeus for the exploitation of the spring. * The water of the spring has been found to have a beneficial effect on...

1930 SERIOUS STATEMENTS OF PRIME MINISTER VENIZELOS ON THE WATER OF SOUROTI. According to a newspaper clipping of the time (SOUROTIS SA ARCHIVE), the then Prime Minister, Mr Venizelos, publicly stated that: “The Souroti water is comparable to, if not superior to, European water”....

1918 After the end of the war, the bottling plant was taken over by a resident of Souroti village, Thomas Chr. Lolas, who renovated it....

1917 The example of the French was followed by the Serbs who settled here with the Serbian division of Morava. The bottling plant was housed in a new two-storey building, and the spring water was named ‘Kisepe Boda’ (sour water)....